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Calculating the Costs of Menu Items

Costmenu is designed with your food service preparation costs in mind, so you can track and analyze all your costs at any time in one central location.
Get started today with a free 14-day trial!

What Costmenu can do for you!

We offer a comprehensive food and menu costing solution, bundled in a super easy to use system.

Itemize Your Menus' Food Costs

Whether your menu has a handful of items or is multiple pages deep, our system provides the cost and return insight you need.

Catering/Event Menu Costing & Scheduling

Because event/catering menus are often custom, traditional POS systems don't handle them well; so we created a solution for them!

Track Vendor Performance & Purchases

You ever wonder how your vendors compare against each other, how often you order from them and how their service rates? Costmenu provides those insights.

Create Menus & QR Code Labels

With all the updated information entered into the system you now can use this data to create print and online menus along with QR Codes to reference them.

Detailed Help Videos

Our system is already so simple to use, but just in case there is any confusion, we have short 4-6 minute videos that easily explain ALL the features.

Multiple Locations & Users

If you have one location or dozens, you can use the same account with multiple user access levels to track them all, or separately.

We Stay In Our Lane

We simply offer an easy way to keep track of your food item costs. We don't provide overwhelming or confusing features.

We Play Nice with Others!

All of our features' data can be merged, downloaded, and uploaded into other programs. It is your data, so use it how you want!

Real-time reporting on your most important metrics: Food Costs

Whether it is inflation, supply chain issues, employee costs or just time to review prices, it is imperative to understand your menu item costs. That said you don't need to hire a data scientist to evaluate them. You just need to monitor them periodically and that is what Costmenu can do for you!

Costmenu is designed with your business needs in mind, so you can track and analyze all your data in one central location.

Start Your Free Trial

Check out Costmenu in action.

Here are a few examples of how you can use our system.

Use All or Only the Features You Need

We can't emphasize it enough; simplicity and direct results is the name of the game.
Our features listed below are easy to implement, understand and provide results.

Powerful Dashboard

Review item costs and historical changes quickly and effectively to find insight into increasing revenue.

Food Item Costs

Track basic food ingredient cost, calorie counts, and more; providing an ongoing base of information.

Prepared Item Costs

Create bulk batches of items and gain detailed insight into the quantities, costs, and calorie break downs.

Menu Item Costs

Confirm your returns, profits, cost multiples and evaluate your menu pricing as it relates to your food costs.

Historical Records

Graph and track the historical changes of items over time to see trends or to confirm consistencies.

Reporting & Analysis

All features provide detailed PDF download reporting for individual items as well as bulk materials.

Compare Feature Items

Compare items against each to see which food, prepared or menu item is most effective in increasing revenue.

Nutritional Labels

Create nutrition label from food items and menu items, including total calories and allergens.

Contact Management

Keep your vendors/contacts organized with all the pertaining details in an easy to read, sort and access format.

Vendor Performance

Rate and review your purveyor performance over time as well as monitor and filter purchase orders.

Bulk Purchase Orders

Link and track bulk purchase orders of food items that can be used to update food items costs in the system.

Online Menu Builder

Use the updated information in the system to create organized menu files ready for use in other applications.

Custom QR Code Labels

Create customized QR Codes that link to your menus and print them on Avery labels or however you need them.

Document Storage

Store your PDF menus, receipts, menu orders and more. We also provide API's to use the documents on other websites.

Online Recipe Book

Keep your recipes handy and accessible to your cooks online, including photos and step by step write ups.

Event/Catering Orders

Easily compile event/catering orders that are outside of traditional POS systems, including employees, set up and more.

Easy Data Transfers

Quickly import, export or merge your data to and from the system with other programs like QuickBooks or POS systems.

Multiple Users/Locations

Use the same account for one or multiple locations while providing different security level access to multiple users.

Customized For/By You

Customize nearly all categories as they relate to the features and create your own units of measurement.

Use What You Need

With different pricing levels of service, use the features you need and keep costs low.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand there are other options out there, but candidly Costmenu is easiest to use, easiest to understand and is the most cost effective. As our website states, "We stay in our lane" and "We play nice with others". Other guys want to sell you POS systems, accounting features, employee scheduling service, payroll etc. Costmenu list of features are straight forward – food costing, menu data features, and event/catering features. Our "lane" is pretty straight forward, and our pricing reflects that. There are no additional features or add-on options – just the three subscription levels and the features that go with each. As we noted prior, "We play nice with others!" This means all the information in Costmenu can be downloaded in a proper format for easy use in other systems. So if you have different POS systems or online ordering services that accepts imports, we will make sure that your data in Costmenu, can be exported to match that other system. That way you can easily use it anywhere you like. Knowing that, your data can’t go wrong using Costmenu!
Most of the time, you can be setup in a day. If you have 1,000’s of menu or prepared items, it could take a few days. Our import features dramatically reduce the onboarding process, and we offer a variety of easy-to-follow short help videos that walk you through the process. As we noted on our introduction video, this up-front work is TOTALLY WORTH IT, because the system offers so many additional reusable features going forward. In simple terms, a day or two of upfront work will save you countless hours of time elsewhere and will provide real time insight into enhancing your revenue opportunities!
We are positive that once you try our system and see how great it is (and especially for the price), that you will want to stay with us... but we also understand decisions change. That said, you are free to cancel your subscription anytime and you can take your information with you! It is your data! Our easy to use, top notch export features allow you to download any and all of the feature data that you have. If you want to come back again later, you will have to set up a new account with us. The previously exported data will be a good start for you, but there will be that initial upfront work to do again.
Every feature in the system can be easily customized by the user. Units of measurements, food, prepared items, menu item categories and labels can all be customized by you to meet your specific needs. In addition, different security levels and user access rights can also be created by you providing specific access to select features. There are so many dynamic customization opportunities within the system that you will feel like it was designed just for you!
It is totally up to you! It just depends on how you want to use the system and how much real time information you want or need. Remember, Costmenu does all the calculations for you and will update all of your information instantly when new data is entered. We make it super simple! As we point out in our introduction video, if you use the Vendor and Purchasing feature, when you input a bulk item purchase, that purchased item price is automatically converted into the food item cost per unit and then all the prepared item and menu item costs are updated along with the profit and return calculations. In addition a historical record is kept recording the changes which provides graphs of trends and cost breakdowns. Costmenu’s insight goes beyond just food cost, it can provide that needed insight into vendor performance, purchase orders and food item comparisons. As you can see, one simple input triggers dozens of results for you! Also, with our easy step-by-step import and merge features, bulk updates are super simple to accomplish as well. Again our goal is to take your data and make it easy and effective to use and understand when you want it.
We know that your primary business is food service and cooking great meals, and that you don’t have time to learn a complicated system or become a data scientist in the process. We designed Costmenu to be as simple to use as possible, while still offering robust results in the process. All of the fields are very easy to understand and using and updating the system can really be done by anyone you want. The system does offer multiple users on the same account along with customized security levels allowing you to turn on or off specific features per user type. That way you can delegate data entry without having to worry about others getting into the weeds of your business. The information breakdown is easy to understand with multiple graphing features for effective data visualization. This way anyone can understand the results and share them with the staff, cooks when you need to improve results.
Not yet but we are working on it! However, Costmenu is accessible and optimized for use on any computer, tablet or mobile device. It does work great on your smart phone, but candidly some of the features are really designed for sitting at your desk and using a computer, while other features are definitely designed to be used on the fly or in the kitchen. We understand what you need and how it will be used, thus we designed it from that perspective.

Still Have Questions?

We hope our answers to some of your frequently asked questions help, but if you have any further queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch today.

Please feel free to ask!

Pricing for every food service and eatery type

All pricing packages offer a free 14 day trial period.
It's like getting a free appetizer - the first two weeks are on the house!

Bill Annually and Save Over 10%!!

  • TBD
  • Per Month
  • TBD Per Year
  • Basic Dashboard
  • Food Item Feature
  • Prepared Item Feature
  • Menu Item Feature
  • Item Comparisons
  • Historical Data Tracking
  • Nutritional Labels
  • Custom Settings
  • Custom Security Levels
  • Import Export Features
  • Multiple Locations - 5
  • Multiple Users - 10
  • Vendor Feature
  • Purchase Orders
  • Supplier/Purveyor Rating
  • Bulk Food Cost Updates
  • Digital Recipe Feature
  • Menu Builder Feature
  • Custom QR Code Labels
  • Document Storage
  • Event/Catering Features
  • Event Food Costs
  • Event Menu Maker
  • Event Locations
  • Event Invoice
  • Event Employee CRM
  • Calendar Integration
  • $TBD
  • Per Month
  • TBD Per Year
  • Enhanced Dashboard
  • Food Item Feature
  • Prepared Item Feature
  • Menu Item Feature
  • Item Comparisons
  • Historical Data Tracking
  • Nutritional Labels
  • Custom Settings
  • Custom Security Levels
  • Import Export Features
  • Multiple Locations - 10
  • Multiple Users - 20
  • Vendor Feature
  • Purchase Orders
  • Supplier/Purveyor Rating
  • Bulk Food Cost Updates
  • Digital Recipe Feature
  • Menu Builder Feature
  • Custom QR Code Labels
  • Document Storage (100 MB)
  • Event/Catering Features
  • Event Food Costs
  • Event Menu Maker
  • Event Locations
  • Event Invoice
  • Event Employee CRM
  • Calendar Integration

Discover the Easiest Food / Menu Costing Tool Available

Costmenu is designed with an active business owner in mind. We make it so you can track and analyze all your important data in one central location. We don't overcomplicate it - we make it easy and effective.

  • Easy to get started with multiple features.
  • Cost effective and the analytics will pay for itself.
  • The data is yours to download, so you can cancel anytime.

Get Your Free 14-Day Trial

Fun Facts About Costmenu

Here are a few facts about our awesome platform.

Countries Serviced

Faster Technology

Currencies Available

Data Back Ups

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